Bekerja, Berkarya, Berdampak
Improve Your Productivity with Our Values and Work Culture

When we are doing something, we do it on purpose. To stay true and motivated, we encourage resilience to live our ways

We are cultivating a culture of communication and relationships that are respectful, tolerant, and compassionate.

We empower each individual to contribute to a positive work environment.

Impact Driven
We are unwaveringly committed to creating a measurable impact through our work, ensuring our efforts are always purposeful and effective

Socially Responsible
Each one of us takes ownership of managing our behavior and emotions at work

Environmentally Responsible
We understand our actions impact the environment and are dedicated to making a positive difference by choosing the best methods and activities for our surroundings.
Our Benefit
Benefit PeaceGen
Teman Kerja

Tio Reza Muchtar
As the sole IT employee at PeaceGen, I face numerous challenges and diverse atmospheres. Despite PeaceGen's focus on peace education, my expertise in IT has shown that information technology can support various fields, including peace initiatives. I stay because of the hybrid work culture, flexible hours, and supportive environment. If you have the skills and interest in peacebuilding issues, consider joining PeaceGen :)
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Dinda Mutiarani Syafira
Working and learning at PeaceGen has been an experience I'll never forget. One of the most meaningful aspects of my journey here has been learning the 12 Basic Values of Peace, which I've found applicable and relevant in any context. The positive and nurturing work environment, surrounded by inspirational individuals passionate about sharing knowledge, has been incredibly enriching. I appreciate PeaceGen's progressive work pace, which prioritizes humanity, empathy, and wisdom.
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Nisha Nurhanisa
PeaceGen is a delightful place for learning and working because of its supportive and collaborative environment. I've gained a vast knowledge during my internship as a content writer here. One of my most enduring lessons is, "In the professional world, having knowledge and skills alone is not enough; we need to live with a positive attitude.
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Azhar M Akbar
Working at PeaceGen has been a valuable and meaningful experience. I had the opportunity to contribute to promoting peace in a diverse society. Through various educational, innovative, and creative programs, I could directly feel how the positive values we taught could inspire real change in individuals and communities. I am grateful to be part of a significant effort to create a more peaceful world.
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Curriculum & Training
Tetap terinformasi dan terhubung dengan kami jika ada peluang karir dan posisi yang pas untukmu berikutnya.
Nama mu akan jadi yang pertama untuk kami seleksi dan hubungi apabila kualifikasimu sesuai.