Closer to Peace
with PeaceGeneration Indonesia

PeaceGeneration Indonesia

PeaceGeneration Indonesia (PeaceGen) has been a social enterprise dedicated to advocating for Peace Education since 2007. For over 15 years, PeaceGen has focused on Training in Peace Education Development, Peace Learning Media Development, and Peace Message Advocacy. Through creative and enjoyable media, we collaborate with Teachers, Educators, and Youth as agents of change to create a peaceful and inclusive society.

Vision and Mission

Vision: A culture of peace becomes a lifestyle and appealing value to be learned and practiced by the younger generation.

Mission: To innovate and develop creative media to assist educators in fostering understanding and providing experiences to the younger generation about the value of peace in fun and meaningful ways.

Problem Statement

More than 80% of Indonesians do not have meaningful relationships with people of other religions. (LSI, 2022).

Violence: 41% of students in Indonesia have experienced bullying cases among students, including incidents in Cilacap and Banyuwangi. (UNICEF, 2020).

Problem Statement

Intolerance: Conflicts between religious communities, Muslims and Christians, occurred in Ambon and Poso from 1998 to 2001 (Human Rights Watch, 2002).

Extremism: More than 2,000 people have joined violent extremist organizations. (LSI, 2022).

Contact Theory

Prejudice can be eliminated through contact and equality between majority and minority groups in efforts to achieve common goals. The impact of this contact will be enhanced if the actions are supported by prevailing norms, laws, and local wisdom and if they lead to a shared understanding of common interests and humanity between the two groups.

-Gordon W. Allport, The Nature of Prejudice (1954)

How PeaceGen was Founded

The birth of PeaceGen began with a meeting between Irfan Amalee and Eric Lincoln in 2006. At that time, Eric was an English teacher at the Mizan Publishing office, where Irfan worked. Irfan was one of Eric's students. Amidst English learning sessions, Eric asked his students about world politics. Irfan responded that America, Eric's home country, was the root of various issues. At that moment, Eric regarded Irfan as a Taliban member.

How PeaceGen was Founded

Starting from the meeting, Irfan and Eric began discussing many things and getting to know each other. Eventually, Eric discovered that Irfan was not as he had imagined. Likewise, the reverse was true. The prejudices between Irfan and Eric were gone as they endeavored to understand and appreciate each other. Since then, Irfan and Eric have been discussing more frequently, eventually producing a work known as the 12 Basic Peace Values.

How PeaceGen was Founded

Eventually, Irfan and Eric became friends and established PeaceGeneration Indonesia in 2007 to spread the values of peace with the 12 Basic Peace Values module.

Let's Explore Our Company Profile

Watch the interview with Irfan Amalee and Eric Lincoln on Kick Andy's

Let's Explore Our Company Profile

12 Basic Peace Values

Here's module 12 of Basic Peace Values, which serves as the main formula of PeaceGen. The flow of this module consists of three parts, starting from peace with oneself, peace with others, and conflict resolution. The three stages in this flow encompass those 12 values, including self-acceptance, prejudice, ethnic differences, religious differences, gender differences, economic status differences, group or gang differences, diversity, conflict, rejection of violence, acknowledgment of mistakes, and finally, forgiveness. This module has now been adapted into various versions. There are religion-based versions, such as the Muslim, Christian, and Buddhist versions. There are also versions based on language, including Indonesian, English, Acehnese, and Filipino versions. There are also adaptations for various ages and other contexts.

International Young Creative Entrepreneur Award 2008
UAJY Multiculturalism Award 2008
Hahn & Karpf Peace Award 2011, Brandeis University, USA
500 Most Influential Muslim, RISSC Jordan 2011-2012
Wirausaha Muda Kreatif, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif 2012
Pena Award 2014
Ashoka Fellowship 2017
Top 6 ASEAN Social Impact Award 2017
Most Innovative C'PVE Program, Convey UNDP-PPIM 2018
Indika Energy Award 2018
Best Islamic Story Books IKAPI 2018
Australia Global Alumni Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2019
Audit Laporan Keuangan dengan opini "Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian" dari KAP Roebiandini & Rekan 2020
Kick Andy Heroes dalam Bidang Perdamaian 2021
RAN PE Awards Kategori Inisiator Program Berkelanjutan 2023
detikJabar Awards Anugerah Figur Teladan Kategori Pemberdayaan Lingkungan Sosial 2023

17 years PeaceGeneration has been working, 16 awards both from within and outside the country have been obtained.

Our Team

Irfan Amalee

Co-Founder; Direktur/Ketua Yayasan

Eric Lincoln


Lindawati Sumpena

Learning & Product Development Manager

Dewi Lestari

Finance & Business Development Manager

Putri Puspitasari

HR Coordinator

Adriana Anjani

Partnership Coordinator

Mela Rusnika

Media and IT Coordinator

Shafira Rolibah Putri

Senior Finance Officer

Samrotul Mufidah

Senior General Affair

Azhar Muhammad Akbar

Senior Project & Partnership Officer

Jeremia Bonifasius Manurung

Senior Learning Officer

Annisa Fitria

Senior Learning Officer

Anissa Addeth Thiany

Finance Officer

Kevin Izzan Adithya Pratama

Senior Content Writer Officer

Tio Reza Muchtar

IT Officer

Ani Farhani

Learning Officer


Training Officer

Rike Adelia Hermawan

Learning Officer

Mulia Anzalni

Senior Graphic Designer

Muhammad Fikri Faqih Allawi

Senior Creative Designer

Aries Hardianto

Learning Assistant

Fadlan Fau

Vendor & Product Innovation Assistant

Mira Fazriani

HR Officer

Get the 12 Basic Values of Peace ebook