Closer to Peace with PeaceGen

PeaceGeneration (PeaceGen) is a social enterprise dedicated to promoting peace education since 2007. For over 17 years, PeaceGen has focused on Peace Education Training, Educational Media Development, and Peace Message Advocacy. Through creative and engaging media, we collaborate with educators, students, and young changemakers to build a peaceful and inclusive society.

How PeaceGen Began

How PeaceGen Began

PeaceGen was founded following a conversation between Irfan Amalee and Eric Lincoln in 2006. At the time, Eric, an English teacher, asked about global politics. Irfan responded by blaming the U.S. for many world issues. Eric, in turn, labeled Irfan as a Taliban. However, through deep discussion, their prejudices dissolved. They began to understand each other and created the 12 Basic Values of Peace module. In 2007, they established PeaceGeneration Indonesia to spread peace values using this module.



A culture of peace becomes a way of life and a compelling value for young generations to learn and practice.



To innovate and develop creative media that help educators cultivate understanding and provide young people with meaningful and enjoyable experiences in peace education.

Challenges We Address

PeaceGen focuses on handling social issues that contribute to polarization—where differences between groups lead to prejudice and division, preventing mutual understanding and fostering intolerance, extremism, and violence.

Key issues we address:

  • Lack of Intergroup Relations: More than 80% of Indonesians lack meaningful relationships with people of other religious groups (LSI, 2020).

  • Violence: 41% of Indonesian students have experienced bullying, with cases recorded in Cilacap and Banyuwangi (UNICEF, 2020).

  • Intolerance: Religious conflicts, such as those in Ambon and Poso (1998–2001), highlight the severe intolerance in society (Human Rights Watch, 2002).

  • Extremism: More than 2,000 individuals have joined violent extremist groups (LSI, 2022). 

Challenges We Address
Contact Theory: PeaceGen’s Solution to Polarization

Contact Theory: PeaceGen’s Solution to Polarization

PeaceGen applies Contact Theory to combat polarization, which can fuel violence, intolerance, and extremism. According to Contact Theory, prejudice can be reduced through meaningful interactions between majority and minority groups working toward shared goals.
Gordon W. Allport, The Nature of Prejudice (1954).

Irfan Amali and Eric Lincon share the story of how their meeting grew into the 12 Basic Values of Peace — a journey filled with reflection and dedication to creating meaningful change for many. Discover more about our work and the impact we’ve made.

Watch our interview on Kick Andy's

Irfan Amali and Eric Lincon share the story of how their meeting grew into the 12 Basic Values of Peace — a journey filled with reflection and dedication to creating meaningful change for many. Discover more about our work and the impact we’ve made.

The 12 Basic Values of Peace Module

The 12 Basic Values of Peace Module serves as PeaceGen’s core framework, structured into three main areas:

  • Peace with Oneself
  • Peace with Others
  • Conflict Resolution
These three phases encompass 12 values, including:
  1. Happy Being Me
  2. Overcoming Prejudice
  3. Different Cultures, But Still Friends
  4. Different Beliefs, But Not Enemies
  5. Rich or Poor, We All Have Worth
  6. Respecting Others
  7. Choosing Friends & Being Inclusive
  8. Celebrating Diversity
  9. Conflict Make Us Grow
  10. Rejecting Violence
  11. Admitting Mistakes, Asking Forgiveness
  12. Freely Forgiving Others
This module has been adapted into various versions based on:
  • Religion: Muslim, Christian, Buddhist
  • Language: Indonesian, English, Acehnese, Filipino
  • Age group & context: Different formats for different audiences
The 12 Basic Values of Peace Module is the foundation for PeaceGen’s Curriculum and Training. Join us in creating positive change through peace education!

International Young Creative Entrepreneur Award 2008
UAJY Multiculturalism Award 2008
Hahn & Karpf Peace Award 2011, Brandeis University, USA
500 Most Influential Muslim, RISSC Jordan 2011-2012
Wirausaha Muda Kreatif, Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif 2012
Pena Award 2014
Ashoka Fellowship 2017
Top 6 ASEAN Social Impact Award 2017
Most Innovative C'PVE Program, Convey UNDP-PPIM 2018
Indika Energy Award 2018
Best Islamic Story Books IKAPI 2018
Australia Global Alumni Award for Innovation and Entrepreneurship 2019
Audit Laporan Keuangan dengan opini "Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian" dari KAP Roebiandini & Rekan 2020
Kick Andy Heroes dalam Bidang Perdamaian 2021
RAN PE Awards Kategori Inisiator Program Berkelanjutan 2023
detikJabar Awards Anugerah Figur Teladan Kategori Pemberdayaan Lingkungan Sosial 2023

17 years PeaceGeneration has been working, 16 awards both from within and outside the country have been obtained.

Our Team

Irfan Amalee

Co-founder & Executive Director of PeaceGeneration Indonesia

Eric Lincoln

Co-founder PeaceGeneration Indonesia

Lindawati Sumpena

Learning & Product Development Manager

Dewi Lestari

Finance & Business Development Manager

Putri Puspitasari

HR Coordinator

Adriana Anjani

Partnership Coordinator

Mela Rusnika

Media and IT Coordinator

Shafira Rolibah Putri

Senior Finance Officer

Azhar Muhammad Akbar

Senior Project & Partnership Officer

Jeremia Bonifasius Manurung

Senior Learning Officer

Annisa Fitria

Senior Learning Officer

Kevin Izzan Adithya Pratama

Senior Content Writer Officer

Mulia Anzalni

Senior Graphic Designer

Muhammad Fikri Faqih Allawi

Senior Creative Designer

Tio Reza Muchtar

IT Officer

Muh. Rifqi Anzhari

Operational & Business Development Officer

Mira Fazriani

HR Officer

Ani Farhani

Learning Officer

Rike Adelia Hermawan

Learning Officer

Anissa Addeth Thiany

Finance Officer

Fadlan Fau

Vendor & Product Innovation Assistant

Nisha Nurhanisa

Digital Media Assistant

Syahrani Zalfa

MEL Assistant

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