Our Partners

Connected partners have implemented various curricula, training programs, and services from us.

#collaborate to teach peace more broadly


Educational institutions, both schools and universities, have implemented our curriculum and training to prevent polarization.

SMP Muhammadiyah 8 Bandung

The school has implemented 12 Basic Values of Peace in order to handle prejudgement that may happen because of the differences in student minds

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SMP Kristen Yahya Bandung

SMP Kristen Yahya Bandung implements the BDW program to address its students' prejudices towards other religions and to build students' character education. This school serves as an implementation partner for SMP 8 Muhammadiyah Bandung.

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SMAS Maitreyawira Deli Serdang

SMAS Maitreyawira Deli Serdang is one of the schools that also implements the 12 Basic Values of Peace (BVP) module from PeaceGen.

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Non-educational partners have collaborated to prevent social issues by utilizing our services.


SEAN-CSO collaborates with PeaceGen to maintain online communication channels. PeaceGen actively produces sustainable bulletins, creates content, uploads it to social media, and regularly updates the website.

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Love Frankie

Love Frankie collaborated with PeaceGeneration Indonesia to provide a strong understanding of student resilience against Violent Extremism (VE) through the Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE) approach.

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The Human Resources Bureau of the Ministry of Finance

The Human Resources Bureau of the Ministry of Finance collaborated with PeaceGeneration Indonesia to provide training on the 12 Basic Values of Peace in an effort to strengthen employees' character

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