Love Frankie

Love Frankie collaborated with PeaceGeneration Indonesia to provide a strong understanding of student resilience against Violent Extremism (VE) through the Building Resilience Against Violent Extremism (BRAVE) approach. In this program, PeaceGen, as the event organizer, assisted in managing the research dissemination event by coordinating participants or attendees from selected universities and guests.
Why Does Love Frankie Collaborate with PeaceGeneration Indonesia?
Love Frankie, a creative agency responding to social challenges, recognizes a substantial knowledge gap in Indonesia regarding exploring students' resilience in facing radical and extremist ideologies. In response to this condition, Love Frankie generated a robust understanding of student resilience against VE by conducting a study using mixed methods to strengthen youth resilience against VE. The study utilized a standard resilience framework adapted for the local context regarding VE, namely the BRAVE approach.
As a follow-up to the study, Harmony launched national-level dissemination in Jakarta and local events in Bandung. The local dissemination event in Bandung, titled "Bandung Dissemination BRAVE Jalur Menuju Resiliensi Terhadap Ekstrimisme Kekerasan (VE) pada Perguruan Tinggi di Indonesia," catalyzed the collaboration between Love Frankie and PeaceGeneration Indonesia.
What is the Impact of Love Frankie's Collaboration with PeaceGeneration Indonesia?
PeaceGeneration Indonesia, assisting Love Frankie as the event organizer for the dissemination, demonstrated excellent cooperation, resulting in satisfactory outcomes aligned with the objectives.
PeaceGen successfully helped Love Frankie invite 33 participants, including lecturers, university officials, and representatives of Student Executive Boards in Bandung. PeaceGen's extensive network connections with several universities and government institutions in Bandung significantly facilitated this success.
The research dissemination event proceeded according to the planned schedule, and engaging discussions on the research findings occurred between campus representatives and Love Frankie, the presenter.