Teach Peace,
Break Prejudice,
Build Bridges

For 17 years, PeaceGen has been equipping and guiding educators in teaching peace education through innovative curricula, methods, and creative media to counteract the effects of polarization.

What is Polarization?

Polarization occurs when differences trigger prejudices that lead to division, making it increasingly difficult for society to understand one another. As a result, intolerance, extremism, and violence rise.

Studies show that more than 80% of Indonesians lack meaningful relationships with people from different communities (LSI, 2022).

What is Polarization?
How Can We Overcome Polarization?

How Can We Overcome Polarization?

Through the Contact Theory approach, where equal interaction helps break down prejudice and bridge diversity. As Gordon W. Allport explained in his book The Nature of Prejudice (1954):

"Prejudice can be reduced through equal-status contact between majority and minority groups in the pursuit of common goals."

This principle is at the core of every PeaceGen program.

Break Prejudice and Build Bridges with

Our Flagship Programs

PeaceGen offers an innovative learning approach, combining theory with practice through experiential learning and game-based learning to foster awareness of the importance of peace.

Kurikulum Perdamaian

Bundle B


Over 5,000 teachers have participated in this series to help build inclusive schools free from bullying, sexual violence, and intolerance.

Bundle A

Resep Andalan

A set of 12 modules designed to teach peace effectively in schools in a fun and engaging way.

Bundle C

Resep Praktis

This series equips teachers and students with skills to combat bullying, practice self-love, and enhance tolerance.

PeaceGen’s Training

Training Happy Tanpa Bully

Five practical steps that can be applied in schools to prevent bullying.


Training Konflik Bikin Epik

A program using seven modules that teach how to transform conflict into positive energy.


32 Schools and 12 Clients have successfully implemented PeaceGen’s curriculum and training programs.

Intan Gemah Purwanti

That's wonderful to hear! As an educator, participating in self-love training is invaluable as it teaches students how to provide genuine care and affection.

Lihat Selengkapnya
Guidance Counselor, SMKN 3 Cimahi

Sarif Hidayat

That's fantastic! In the 21st Century Teachers Training, I learned to implement interactive and innovative learning through ARKA. This training can serve as a guide for teachers in creating independent learning.

Lihat Selengkapnya
Civic Education Teacher, SMPN 17 Bandung

Anggia Turanita

After participating in the TNCT from PeaceGen, I gained new ideas for teaching through playing games. I hope this program can be followed by all schools in the city of Bandung for self-development and better service to students.

Lihat Selengkapnya
Indonesian Language Teacher, SMA 14 Bandung

Antoni Budiman

I am very interested in the 12 Basic Peace Values ​​spread by PeaceGen. These values ​​of peace can be applied in the classroom so that children can later become technocrats and peacekeepers in Indonesia and worldwide.

Lihat Selengkapnya
Network Security System Teacher, SMK Negeri 1 Cimahi

Peserta didik telah mengikuti training

Pendidik telah mengikuti training

Sekolah telah mengikuti training

Mitra pemerintah, donor, komunitas dan non sekolah telah mengikuti training

Dukungan Perdamaian

Mari Berkolaborasi

Kabar Perdamaian

Frequently Ask Questions

PeaceGeneration Indonesia (PeaceGen) is a social enterprise focused on peace education through innovative curricula, methods, and creative media to address polarization and build a more inclusive society.

PeaceGen offers Preventing Violent Extremism, Peacebuilding, and Tech for Peace, along with various curriculum and training programs to promote a culture of peace in schools and communities.

PeaceGen programs are open to educators, students, communities, and anyone interested in learning and teaching peace values.

You can access PeaceGen’s learning materials through our training, curriculum, and modules available on our official website. You can also contact the PeaceGen team for further information.

PeaceGen’s curriculum uses an experiential learning and game-based learning approach, making education more interactive, engaging, and effective in raising awareness about the importance of peace.