21st Century Teachers Indika Foundation

Program Summary
21st Century Teachers Indika Foundation is a program aimed at training 150 junior high school teachers in Indonesia on empathy, critical thinking, and the 12 Basic Peace Values developed through the national curriculum subjects of BK (Guidance and Counseling), PKN (Civic Education), and PAI (Islamic Education) by optimizing technology.
Program Objective
Enhancing adaptation skills with technology is one of PeaceGeneration Indonesia's strategies to assist teachers in facing Distance Learning (PJJ). The goal is to enable them to stay well-connected with their students.
PeaceGeneration Indonesia holds 21st Century Teachers Training to teach the importance of empathy, critical thinking, and more effective teaching methods to apply in the digital age using Zoom and WhatsApp media.
Program Background
A counseling teacher from Yogyakarta, Mrs. Ika, faced challenges adapting to technological advancements during the COVID-19 pandemic. She struggled with packaging school materials and teaching online.
After completing the 21st Century Teachers Training program by PeaceGen, Mrs. Ika overcame her challenges by learning the TANDUR method and blended learning. Mrs. Ika found the peace modules in the 21st Century Teachers program very beneficial. Impressed with their effectiveness, she took the initiative to share them with BK teachers in three districts.
Many teachers in Indonesia face similar challenges. Therefore, PeaceGeneration Indonesia believes educational actors should break conventional teaching methods and adapt to changes and technology by participating in the 21st Century Teachers program.
Program Details
#21stCenturyTeachers is a PeaceGen program in collaboration with the Indika Foundation and teacher associations such as AGPAII (Indonesian Association of Islamic Education Teachers) and MGBK (Indonesian Counseling and Guidance Teachers Assembly) to spread positive impacts to teachers so that teachers in Indonesia can adapt well to distance learning by optimizing technology.
Program Implementation
After producing media for the 12 BVP, we conducted the 21st Century Teachers program online. The 12 BVPs media are diverse, ranging from modules, podcasts, mini-lessons, and videos used as learning guides in the junior high school curriculum for subjects such as PKN, PAI, PAK (Christian Education), and BK services.
The 21st Century Teachers program covers topics such as the 12 Basic Peace Values and their integration into the junior high school curriculum, empathy and critical thinking, gamification, asynchronous and synchronous learning, and micro-teaching.
Program Team
Adriana Anjani (Project Officer)
Faza Rahim (Digital Media Officer)
Program Timeline
Indika Foundation's 21st Century Teachers program for the 2021 - 2022 period started on July 23, 2021, and ended on February 14, 2022.
Program Results
We registered over 700 participants from Sabang to Merauke based on the data. However, we only selected 150 teachers as training participants. Through the 21st Century Teachers training, participant satisfaction reached 5.8 on a scale of 1-6.
We also received positive feedback about the 21st Century Teachers program from participants, such as the following quote:
"This is a precious experience and knowledge, especially for myself, when they appointed me as a speaker at the microteaching event. I am grateful to have been awarded the most active participant at the 2021 21st Century Teachers Training event. I feel more motivated to apply it in Teaching and Learning activities at school, especially Distance Learning during the current Pandemic. Thanks to all the organizers, Trainers, and Facilitators who have guided me during the training, and to PeaceGeneration and Indika Foundation as the event organizers," said Nurdin (PAI Teacher) SMP Negeri 17 Kota Tangerang Selatan.
The 21st Century Teachers program has 150 beneficiaries, with 100 female and 50 male participants.
Impact Measurement
Based on the collected data, there was an increase in teachers' knowledge of empathy and critical thinking, knowledge of interactive methods for students, listening skills & openness to new things, and understanding of how to integrate 12 BPV learning into the curriculum using Zoom and Whatsapp media.
The 21st Century Teachers program aims to spread positive impacts to teachers to adapt to online learning through technology optimization.
Start date
23 Jul 2021
End date
14 Feb 2022
- Measurement Development
- Modul Development
- Media Development
- Participant Recruitment
- Training Guru Abad 21
- Report