Islamic Curriculum Development (IDC)


Program Summary

Islamic Curriculum Development (IDC) involves 11 teachers from Peacesantren Welas Asih as content writers to create 10 learning modules, 10 videos, 10 podcasts, 4 board games, 1 module of the 21st-Century Teacher, 8 online workshops, 3 days of offline workshops, 1 Focus Group Discussion (FDG), and 1 web application for the 21st Century Report.

Program Objectives

The Islamic Curriculum Development (IDC) program aims to develop education at the junior high school level, consisting of curriculum development in schools, Learning Material Management, and assessment tools to improve the quality of the learning process.

Program Background

The spread of the COVID-19 virus in 2020 posed a challenge to the education sector, as all learning processes shifted to Distance Learning (PJJ), requiring schools to adapt to the digital world.

The COVID-19 situation triggered various issues in the education sector, including in Pesantren (Islamic boarding schools). PeaceGeneration Indonesia has created the Islamic Curriculum Development (IDC) program to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century while adhering to the principles of peaceful religion.

Program Details

Islamic Curriculum Development (IDC) is a program for developing an Islamic-based curriculum education system, including WebApps Development, Curriculum & Activity Development, Measurement instrument development, and Teacher training.

Learning Topics in IDC:

  • Designing Islamic Curriculum
  • Learning Modules Development
  • Student Evaluation Instrument
  • 21st Century Teacher Training
  • Design Thinking
  • Game-based Learning
  • Blended Learning
  • Social-Emotional Learning
  • Positive Discipline

Learning Products in IDC:

  • Syllabus map
  • Module
  • Videos
  • Podcast
  • Board Game
  • Training Video
  • Offline Teacher training
  • Report (21st-Century)

Program Implementation

The Islamic Curriculum Development (IDC) program was conducted from May 2020 to April 2021 at Pesantren Welas Asih. The program was implemented for a total of 62 students and 33 teachers.

After the training and implementation of the program, Pesantren Welas Asih can now maximize technology and adapt to the digital world during Distance Learning (PJJ). Teachers can monitor students' development through the 21st Century Report, and students can see all feedback from teachers in the 21st Century Report.

Program Team

  • Adriana Anjani (Project Officer)

Program Timeline

The Islamic Curriculum Development (IDC) program started on May 1, 2020, and ended on April 30, 2021.

Program Results

Overall, we received positive feedback on the Islamic Curriculum Development (IDC) program from participants, as evidenced by the following quote: 

"I am very grateful to be able to attend this training. As a teacher, I realize that I have only been teaching without much thought. Just climbing the peak, but with an understanding of the 21st Century Report, how important it is to measure and gain new insights with games and others. After this, I will implement it."

In addition to participant feedback, we also surveyed the impact of the Curriculum Development (IDC) program. The results showed that 66.7% of participants had a good understanding of the 21st-century module through simple examples and practices in the school environment, and 20.8% of participants understood how to correlate religious values with the challenges of the 21st century.


The beneficiaries in the Islamic Curriculum Development (IDC) program are 95 beneficiaries, including 62 students and 33 teachers from Pesantren Welas Asih in Garut, West Java.


The Islamic Curriculum Development (IDC) program, by developing a measurement-based curriculum, facilitates schools in conducting Distance Learning (PJJ). After this program, which has proven to have a positive impact on the education sector, including Pesantren, the stigma of Pesantren being considered outdated can now be debunked.


Pesantren Welas Asih, Garut

Start date

1 May 2020

End date

30 Mar 2021


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