Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA)

Program Summary
The JISRA program invites 1,000 teachers and 3,000 students from 4 regions in Greater Bandung (Bandung City, West Bandung Regency, Bandung Regency, and Cimahi City) to promote and implement tolerance, anti-violence, and anti-bullying values in schools.
Program Objectives
Character education is one of PeaceGen's strategies to assist the Minister of Education and Culture in combating three major sins still haunting the education world in Indonesia: intolerance, sexual violence, and bullying.
PeaceGeneration, through the Joint Initiative for Strategic Religious Action (JISRA) program, develops modules and creative learning for character education integrated into the school curriculum with representatives of high school teachers.
The curriculum consists of subjects such as Islamic Education, Christian Education, Pancasila and Citizenship Education, and Guidance and Counseling.
Program Background
In a discussion session with high school teachers, we found several challenges perceived by educators while teaching character education, including time constraints, outdated material for Generation Z, unengaging learning media, and passive students, especially during remote learning.
Therefore, we believe that the values of tolerance, gender awareness, and anti-violence can be conveyed optimally with fun materials and media so that students become active in learning.
Program Details
#GuruMasagiAbad21 is part of a collaboration between the JISRA consortium. This program aims to counter social and educational issues such as bullying, incorporated into a program involving high school teachers and students in West Java.
Through the JISRA program, we create modules and media that can accommodate the needs of teachers as key actors in teaching character education.
Program Team
Suka Prayanta Pandia (Learning Coordinator)
Annisa Fitria (Learning Officer)
Ani Farhani (Learning Assistant)
Program Timeline
The Guru Masagi Abad 21 program for 2023 is a continuation of the Guru Abad 21 program from the previous year. The Guru Abad 21 program has reached 79 schools, 126 teachers, and 912 beneficiary students across various regions in West Java.
Funding Sources
This program is funded by Mensen met een Missie, a Dutch organization that focuses on issues of freedom of belief and religion.
Recent Program Activities
In early March 2023, the #GuruMasagiAbad21 team held a socialization and workshop program attended by 30 high school/ vocational school educational staff in West Java. You can read the details about what happened at the event here.
Opportunities for stakeholders to provide feedback or get involved in the project
We involve representative teachers of PAI, PAK, PPKn, and BK subjects as accompanying module writers. The Activity-Reflection-Concept-Application (ARCA) method has equipped the teacher team with module writing workshops.
Teachers are also given the opportunity to share ideas and map various contemporary learning media, such as podcasts, videos, board games, and comics, into the ARCA matrix. Now, we can find some of these media on Instagram @keluargasalam.
After the development of modules and media is completed, we will conduct teacher training. We target 250 teachers involved in training each year. Trained teachers will then implement the modules and learning media for students for one semester.
Program Results
We measure the impact on all beneficiaries, namely teachers and students. The success indicators of the JISRA program focus not only on changing mindsets but also behaviors, so we collaborate with experts and practitioners in the fields of gender, communication, social media, monitoring, and evaluation.
To ensure the program's sustainability, we will start activating a digital learning platform, which, in the long run, is expected to become a learning medium and facilitate discussions on character education in Indonesia.
JISRA and the #GuruMasagiAbad21 program are trying to minimize educational social issues like bullying. Let's get involved together in JISRA to stop bullying in schools. For more information about this program, you can continue to follow PeaceGen's social media channels.
Start Date
1 May 2021
End Date
31 Dec 2025
- Perancangan Project Design
- Tersusunnya Final Framework
- Penyusunan PMP
- Penulisan Modul
- Media Development
- Tersusunnya Instrumen Pengukuran
- Terlaksananya Training for Trainers
- Terlaksananya Training Guru
- Aktivasi Media Sosial
- Implementasi Modul di Sekolah