Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA)


Program Summary

Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) is an initiative by PeaceGeneration Indonesia to provide a platform for 7 Muslim communities from diverse schools of thought in Bandung to interact, aiming to foster harmony amidst diversity.

Program Objectives

Interfaith dialogue is one of PeaceGeneration Indonesia's strategies to help Muslim communities understand, respect, and appreciate religious diversity. Through the Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) program, PeaceGeneration Indonesia creates a space for dialogue among Muslim communities, including youth, by collaboratively creating works to build community resilience against intolerance, radicalism, and violent extremism, using Social Bonding, Social Bridging, and Social Linking framework.

Program Background

Harmony within diverse communities, including diversity within internal spheres, poses a challenge for Indonesia, the country with the largest Muslim population globally. Instances of intolerance are still prevalent internally, such as difficulties in handling and reconciling Shia-Sunni cases in Sampang, the dissolution of the Haqiqatul Wahyi book discussion at Mubarak Mosque, the dissolution of the Jalsah Salanah (Annual Meeting) JAI activities in Gowa, and discrimination regarding political access and mosque closures.

Given these instances of intolerance, PeaceGeneration Indonesia initiated the Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) program to create a space for dialogue among Muslim communities of various schools of thought, aiming to foster harmony within diverse societies.

Program Details

The Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) is a program organized by PeaceGeneration Indonesia in collaboration with CONVEY Indonesia, PPIM UIN Jakarta, and UNDP to respond to suspicions and prejudices among diverse communities internally. 

Program Implementation

The Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) was held for four months from October 2020 to February 2021. The program involved seven facilitators assisting 32 participants in creating collaborative works, such as podcasts, mini-lessons, music, video series, documentaries, and board games, to address social and environmental issues.

Program Team

  • Wawan Gunawan (Project Coordinator)

  • Mela Rusnika (Project Assistant)

  • Faza Rahim (Digital Media Officer)

Program Timeline

The Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) program commenced on October 20, 2021, and concluded on February 19, 2021.

Program Results

Based on our data, significant changes occurred in participants' identification with fellow Muslims, with a level of significance of 0.002 < 0.05. Participants rated the PSA activities 8.9/10 and team collaboration 8.4/10.

We also received positive feedback on the Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) program from government representatives, as expressed by Bambang Sukandi, Chairman of the Bandung City Unity and Politics Agency.


In the Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) program, a total of 32 young people representing Nahdlatul Ulama, Muhammadiyah, Persis, Shia, Ahmadiyah, Pemuda Hijrah, Former Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia Members, Tarekat, Jamaah Tabligh, and non-affiliated individuals benefited.


The Peace Sociopreneur Academy (PSA) serves as a dialogue platform for Muslim communities to befriend each other, interpret differences, and understand the importance of interfaith dialogue in eliminating prejudices against diversity.



Start date

20 Jan 2020

End date

19 Feb 2021

  • Project Design
  • Curriculum Development
  • Measurement Instrument Development
  • Participant Selection
  • Induction Workshop
  • Mentoring
  • Media Development
  • Media Activation
  • Final Reflection
  • Final Report

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