Sekolah Cerdas


Program Summary

Sekolah CERDAS is a sustainable program implemented by PeaceGeneration Indonesia in collaboration with Lazismu Pusat and supported by MDMC to minimize the impact and potential risks caused particularly by social disasters.

Program Objectives

The Sekolah CERDAS program aims to build knowledge, skills, and school policies to reduce the risks of natural and social disasters, such as conflicts and violence.

Program Background

The program's inception stemmed from a teacher named Abdullah Hitimala's concern about natural disasters such as tsunamis, earthquakes, and landslides in the school's vicinity. This concern arose because Mr. Abdullah's school is on islands and near slopes.

Through the Sekolah CERDAS program, PeaceGen, Lazismu Pusat, and MDMC invited all school elements to create a new perspective on disaster preparedness.

Program Details

Sekolah CERDAS is an advanced program initiated by PeaceGeneration Indonesia in collaboration with Lazismu Pusat and supported by MDMC to minimize disaster's impact and potential risks. The program implements the 12 Basic Values of Peace, translated through the Smart School Diary for students and the Smart School Diary Usage Guide for Smart Brothers.

Program Implementation

The Sekolah CERDAS program lasted two years and was implemented in six cities across Indonesia. In its implementation, Sekolah CERDAS applied the 12 Basic Values of Peace using the FIDS (Feel-Image-Do-Share) method, which was later adapted into CERDAS (Observe and Feel-Desire-Take Action-Spread).

The program involved Kakak CERDAS as volunteers who facilitated schools to create cheerful, peaceful, and disaster-prepared schools.

Program Team

  • Qorry Aina (Project Officer)

  • Jawad Mughofar (Project Assistant)

Program Timeline

The Sekolah CERDAS program was conducted from June 15, 2017, to December 17, 2019.

Program Results

Sekolah CERDAS has been implemented in 60 schools across Indonesia, with 100% of the program stages completed in Sekolah CERDAS Cianjur, 91.8% in Yogyakarta, 100% in Surabaya, 75% in Maluku, and 66% in NTT.

We also received positive feedback on the Sekolah CERDAS program, as evidenced by the following quote:

"The presence of Sekolah Cerdas has increased students' knowledge and provided a new paradigm about disasters, especially at SMP Muhammadiyah Nusa Puan. Thank you," said Abdullah Hitimala (Teacher at SMP Muhammadiyah Nusa Puan, Maluku).


The Sekolah CERDAS program was implemented from 2017 to 2019, benefiting 1,640 students, 215 teachers, ten regional coordinators, 10 Kakak CERDAS, and 75 institutions/communities.


The Sekolah CERDAS program aims to reduce the risks of natural and social disasters by building knowledge, skills, and school policies.

With Sekolah CERDAS's presence, beneficiary schools are expected to respond more promptly to disaster risks and mitigation.

Media Coverage

The Sekolah CERDAS program has garnered coverage in 5 media portals, including:

  • Kumparan


  • Goodnews from Indonesia

  • Suara Muhammadiyah



  • Greater Bandung (Bandung City, Bandung Regency, West Bandung Regency, Cimahi City)

  • Cianjur

  • Surabaya

  • Yogyakarta

  • Maluku

  • East Nusa Tenggara

Start date

15 Jun 2017

End date

17 Dec 2019

  • Workshop Pembuatan Modul dan Desain Program
  • Pembuatan Modul, Boardgame, Vest, dan Tas Sekolah CERDAS
  • Project Based Learning
  • Karantina Kakak CERDAS
  • Call for Volunteer “Kakak CERDAS” Batch I
  • Survey Baseline 5 daerah Penerima Manfaat
  • Pendampingan Sekolah CERDAS Selama 3 Bulan
  • Monitoring, Evaluasi, dan Survey Batch II
  • Call for Volunteer “Kak CERDAS” Batch II
  • Pendampingan Sekolah CERDAS Selama 3 Bulan
  • Karantina “Kakak CERDAS” Batch II
  • Re-entry Orientation “Kakak CERDAS” Batch I

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