Rumah Kita

Program Summary
Rumah Kita is a program formed to prevent violent extremism in Poso and Jember. It uses creative media involving parents and local leaders to spread the values of peace to children and young people.
Program Objectives
The Rumah Kita program aims to build local solutions through creative media to prevent violent extremism, strengthen the role of women and local leaders by providing knowledge, skills, and attitudes in responding to violent extremism, encourage parents and local leaders to spread peace values to children and young people and inspire young people to engage in public campaigns actively.
Program Background
This program originated from the Mosintuwu Institute, which found a new way to advocate through cultural approaches by collaborating with cultural figures and artists. Through cultural advocacy, the Mosintuwu Institute discovered the importance of having a solid media team and involving young people in designing, developing, and evaluating movements to have a broader impact. Meanwhile, Tanoker found a new way to approach organizations to organize communities. Tanoker has successfully encouraged young leaders to facilitate learning processes in villages. Tanoker has also found visual characters representing the community in promotional and advocacy media, especially in preventing violent extremism and promoting peace.
Program Details
The Rumah Kita program, with Tanoker in Jember and the Mosintuwu Institute in Poso, designed locally wisdom-based learning media for two years aimed at young people. Rumah Kita's activities began with determining learning points, developing learning media, training facilitators and learning point mentors, and ending with exploration.
Program Implementation
The Rumah Kita program was implemented from April 2018 to March 2020 in Poso and Jember, involving 300 young people, 40 parents, and local leaders who acted as mentors. Learning took place through adventures, visiting mentoring villages with historical and cultural values to develop various activities to prevent violent extremism in Poso and Jember.
Program Team
Taufik Nurhidayatullah (Project & Partnership Coordinator)
Utami Nurhasanah (Research & Content Writer)
Mela Rusnika (Digital Media Officer)
Program Timeline
The Rumah Kita program began on April 18, 2018, and ended on March 31, 2020.
Program Results
The Rumah Kita program has successfully created media and creative activities, namely two training modules in Poso and Jember, five explorations involving 300 young people in Poso and Jember, 40 facilitators and mentors, two festivals held in Poso and Jember attended by 100 people, and more than 50 peace value campaign materials distributed through social media.
The implementation of the Rumah Kita program benefited 300 young people, 20 study groups, and 40 parents and local leaders.
The Rumah Kita program in Poso and Jember, by PeaceGeneration Indonesia with the Mosintuwu Institute and Tanoker, built various activities to prevent violent extremism in Poso and Jember.
Start Date
18 Mar 2018
End Date
31 Mar 2020
- Project Design
- Field Assessment
- Media Development Workshop
- Media Development
- Adventure Learning with Students