Building Peace and Caring for the Environment through Board Games

Building peace and protecting the environment is not just about theory; it's also about sharing actual experiences and practices.

Thirty junior high school students will be challenged to become heroes of peace and the environment by creating a campaign project in the Heroes of Peace and Ecology (HOPE) program. This program is a collaboration between PeaceGen and Eco Camp.

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These students will learn to create projects that promote peace and the environment accompanied by skilled trainers. In addition, these trainers hone their empathy skills by reviewing the 12 Basic Values of Peace accompanied by Mr. Sony, one of the Agents of Peace Educator. 

Additionally, the students will also understand the seven values of awareness in protecting the environment, which Regi conveyed as the program coordinator of the Eco Camp.

Both materials are delivered interactively through games, as is typical of PeaceGen. And this method will be used later with the  junior high school students when participating in the training. They will learn about peace and the environment through games, one of which is the board game: Bencana.

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Through the board game Bencana, the trainers get tips on building peace and caring for the environment. How we need to take care of the environment starts with ourselves, appreciating the earth, and taking initiative so that peace exists worldwide. It's as simple as realizing that the planet is not doing well and actively taking steps to protect the environment.

In addition to the HOPE program, PeaceGen holds various other programs, such as mentoring new students at the Indonesia University of Education and the Bandung Institute of Technology through the Frosh program. There is also a webinar on building empathy for violence prevention in the SEAN-CSO program.

PeaceGen, through Peace Academy, organizes various trainings about the peace values. For example, self-love training, training on 12 Basic Values of Peace, and capacity building with Gulaku employees.

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