Training for Youth - SHIFT Create and Maintain Interfaith Harmony

Training for Youth—SHIFT is a training program that empowers and participates young people in advocating issues of freedom of religion and belief and tolerance using artistic and creative media approaches.

This program catalyzes collaboration among communities and organizations working in the field of interfaith harmony and freedom of religion and belief in the city of Bandung. The goal is to increase the effectiveness of organizations in creating and maintaining interfaith harmony or harmony among other groups.

Training for Youth - SHIFT will be held on:

Date: May 15 - 17, 2024

Time: 08.00 - 18.00 WIB

Venue: Hotel Zest Sukajadi Bandung, Jalan Sukajadi No. 16, Pasteur, Sukajadi District, Bandung City, West Java 40162

Baca juga: PeaceGen Represents Indonesia at HLPF (Sharing Successful Experience in Teaching Peace with Creative Media)

Participant Benefits:

  • Gain experience and knowledge to enhance critical thinking, conflict resolution, and creative problem-solving skills

  • Acquire knowledge in creating creative content to promote issues of freedom of religion and belief as well as other relevant community/group needs.

  • Participate in fun and interactive, experiential learning sessions

  • Network with PeaceGen communities and partners

  • Strengthen the capacity of young leaders as Agents of Peace and Agents of Change to enact positive change in their surroundings.

  • Receive an e-certificate

  • Receive lunch, coffee breaks, and transportation reimbursement during the training.

Participant Criteria:

  • Young people from Greater Bandung and surrounding areas aged 18-35

    Baca juga: SHIFT: Intergenerational Collaboration to Enhance Freedom of Religion and Belief

  • Interest in leadership and creating change

  • Enthusiasm for promoting freedom of religion and belief as well as tolerance through artistic and creative media approaches

  • Desire to disseminate peaceful content on social media and in the local community.

Participant Journey:

Together with PeaceGeneration Indonesia, let's create and maintain interfaith harmony or harmony among other groups by registering for this program now! 

For more information, contact (+62 813-1800-7640 / [email protected] ) or [email protected]
