Yayasan Plan International Indonesia

Yayasan Plan International Indonesia (YPII) has requested PeaceGeneration Indonesia to provide refreshment training skills for trainers and facilitators involved in the Youth Economic Empowerment (YEE) program and the Bridges to The Future project.

Why Does Yayasan Plan International Indonesia Work with PeaceGeneration Indonesia?

Indonesia is undergoing a phase of digitalization that demands strategic leadership and relevant professional skills. Hence, soft skills such as communication, integrity, discipline, and cooperation are crucial in the job market.

By possessing these skills, trainers, and facilitators are expected to be more effective in delivering training materials and assisting vulnerable youth, especially women and people with disabilities, in developing soft skills and job readiness.

Good communication skills will help trainers and facilitators convey information clearly and comprehensibly, while collaboration skills will aid them in working with teams and training participants to achieve program goals.

YPII, an organization advocating for children's rights and gender equality for girls, sees a significant youth employment crisis in the ASEAN workforce due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Therefore, YPII launched the Youth Economic Empowerment (YEE) program with the Bridges to The Future project to reduce unemployment rates in Indonesia. This project will enhance youth readiness for job opportunities through interventions involving them in decent and safe work.

Through this program, YPII aims to provide refreshment training skills for trainers and facilitators to equip them with good communication, collaboration, and teamwork skills. This goal forms the background of the collaboration between YPII and PeaceGeneration Indonesia.

What Is the Impact of the Collaboration with Plan International Indonesia and PeaceGeneration Indonesia?

We conducted soft skills training for 309 youth participants who are beneficiaries of the Bridges to the Future Batch 2. YPII has developed accessible soft skills through the e-learning platform and joint learning/training sessions with speakers.

The Bridges to The Future project also aims to expand the program's technical training coverage and equip youth with soft skills development for job readiness, especially for vulnerable youth such as women and people with disabilities.