SMA Labschool Cirendeu

SMA Labschool Cirendeu uses the 12 Basic Values of Peace module from PeaceGen as material in the "Role of Youth for the Indonesian Nation" workshop. In this workshop, the 12 Basic Values of Peace module serves as a tool to provide an understanding of diversity and good tolerance.\

Why Does SMA Labschool Cirendeu Implement the 12 Basic Values of Peace Module?

The student council and the school administration of SMA Labschool Cirendeu held a Fullday Nusantara Camp workshop themed "Role of Youth for the Indonesian Nation" on May 25, 2024. The workshop aimed to bring youth closer to diversity and tolerance, essential elements for Indonesian youth to contribute to the nation.

In addition to recognizing diversity and tolerance, this workshop also aimed to deepen the participants' understanding of peace in an engaging way through interactive activities and games, broadening their perspectives on existing diversity.

With these objectives, SMA Labschool Cirendeu trusts PeaceGeneration Indonesia as an organization that can help participants understand diversity and tolerance through the 12 Basic Values of Peace module. PeaceGen was selected because its interactive learning methods ensured participants' energy during the activities.

What is the Impact of the 12 Basic Values of Peace Module at SMA Labschool Cirendeu?

During the Fullday Nusantara Camp workshop, PeaceGen sent three trainers and three facilitators to train over 50 students, primarily from SMA Labschool Cirendeu and a few other schools, in approximately two sessions.

After the workshop concluded, PeaceGen received positive feedback from the participants, who reported gaining a better understanding of themselves, avoiding negative prejudices towards one another, and learning to forgive themselves and others.

The workshop provided a valuable and transformative experience for all participants.

Renowned speakers Tsamara Amany Alatas (Special Staff to the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises) and M. Atiatul Muqtadir (President of BEM KM UGM 2019) also participated in the workshop.